Swift Combine: PassthroughSubject! Define your event with PassthroughSubject Top iOS Dev Techniques

KD Knowledge Diet
2 min readAug 29, 2022


Combine comes with useful subjects that help you write code easier! You must learn them very carefully! For those who don’t know about Subject, just think it as an object that can send data with a stream.

Publisher that you can continuously send new values down.

Core Functionalities of PassthroughSubject

  1. Subscribe to Subject
  2. Passing down new values with Subject
  3. Sending completion finished with Subject

PassthorughSubject and its main characteristics


PassthroughSubject is a Generic Type. The first Generic Type is the data that PassthroughSubject will have. The second Generic Type is for Error. You can use Never under the assumption that an Error will never occur.

Unlike CurrentValueSubject, PassthroughSubject doesn’t have any value. Therefore, you can’t use passthroughSubject.value syntax. It simply does not exist.

So PassthroughSubject is mostly used for Event.

[1] Subscribe to Subject

Subscribe to Subject

Like any other publisher in Combine Framework, you can subscribe to PassthroughSubject by calling .sink method.

[2] Passing down new values with Subject

Subscribe to Subject

You can send data with PassthroughSubject. Remember this statement?

Publisher that you can continuously send new values down.

This is it.

[3] Sending completion finished with Subject

Sending completion finished with Subject

By sending completion with .finished, you can stop any event from happening.


  1. Subscribe to Subject
  2. Passing down new values with Subject
  3. Sending completion finished with Subject



KD Knowledge Diet

Software Engineer, Mobile Developer living in Seoul. I hate people using difficult words. Why not using simple words? Keep It Simple Stupid!