Swift on ARM: Development for Apple Silicon

KD Knowledge Diet
2 min readMar 5, 2024


The introduction of Apple Silicon has heralded a new era for software development on Macs. With its ARM architecture, Apple promises a leap in performance and efficiency, a promise that has implications for developers using Swift, Apple’s programming language designed for its ecosystem.

The Transition to ARM

Apple’s transition from Intel’s x86 architecture to its own ARM-based processors, starting with the M1 chip, is not just a change in hardware. It’s a paradigm shift that affects how developers write and optimize their code. The ARM architecture is known for its power efficiency, which can be seen in the battery life and performance of iPhones and iPads. Now, this efficiency is available in Macs as well.

Swift’s Role in the ARM Ecosystem

Swift is at the forefront of this transition. As a language developed by Apple, it is well-positioned to take full advantage of ARM’s capabilities. Swift’s performance on ARM is optimized to exploit the architecture’s features, such as its unified memory and machine learning accelerators.

Developing on Apple Silicon

Developers using Swift can develop directly on Apple Silicon Macs. The latest version of Xcode, Apple’s integrated development environment (IDE), is fully optimized for ARM. This means faster compile times, and the ability to run and test apps natively on the M1 chip without emulation.

Universal Binaries and Rosetta 2

To ease the transition, Apple introduced Universal Binaries and Rosetta 2. Universal Binaries allow apps to run on both Intel and ARM-based Macs. Meanwhile, Rosetta 2 is a translation process that allows users to run existing x86 apps on ARM-based Macs seamlessly.

Performance Benefits

The ARM architecture, combined with Swift, results in applications that are not only efficient but also show significant performance improvements. Developers report that their apps run faster and smoother, with less power consumption.

What This Means for Developers

For developers, this shift means recompiling their Swift applications to support ARM. Fortunately, the process is straightforward with Xcode. It also means thinking about optimization differently, taking advantage of the ARM architecture’s strengths.

The Future is Swift(ly) ARM-ed

Apple Silicon is the future of Macs, and Swift is the language of that future. With ARM’s benefits and Apple’s continued investment in Swift, developers have a robust platform for creating the next generation of apps that are more powerful and efficient than ever before.


The combination of Swift and ARM on Apple Silicon offers a tantalizing glimpse into the future of Mac development. It’s an exciting time to be a Swift developer, with tools and a platform that are evolving to offer unparalleled performance and capabilities. The transition might require some adaptation, but the rewards promise to be substantial, making it well worth the effort for those willing to embrace Apple’s vision for the future of computing.



KD Knowledge Diet

Software Engineer, Mobile Developer living in Seoul. I hate people using difficult words. Why not using simple words? Keep It Simple Stupid!