Swift Ranges Unveiled: A Comprehensive Guide with Examples

KD Knowledge Diet
3 min read2 days ago


Ranges in Swift are powerful constructs that allow you to work with subsets of data in an elegant and efficient manner. Ranges are not limited to just numeric values; you can use them with Strings, collections, and more. In this article, we’ll delve deep into Swift ranges, exploring the various types and their applications with code examples.

Types of Ranges

Swift offers different types of ranges, each suited for specific use cases. Let’s explore them with practical examples.

Closed Range Operator: `a…b`

A closed range includes both `a` and `b`. It’s used when you want to encompass all values between `a` and `b`.

let range: ClosedRange = 0…10
print(range.first!) // 0
print(range.last!) // 10

Half-Open Range Operator: `a..<b`

A half-open range includes `a` but not `b`. It’s perfect for iterating over values from `a` to `b-1`.

let range: Range = 0..<10
print(range.first!) // 0
print(range.last!) // 9

One-Sided Range Operator: `a…` or `…b`

One-sided range operators capture values starting from `a` or up to `b`. These ranges are ideal when you need to go as far as possible in one direction.

let names = ["Antoine", "Maaike", "Jaap"]
// Starting from the beginning to index 2
print(names[…2]) // ["Antoine", "Maaike", "Jaap"]
// Starting from index 1 to the end
print(names[1…]) // ["Maaike", "Jaap"]

Ranges with Collections

Ranges are particularly handy with collections. You can use them to access elements within a specific range.

let names = ["Antoine", "Maaike", "Jaap"]
// Using a closed range
let range1: CountableClosedRange = 0…2
print(names[range1]) // ["Antoine", "Maaike", "Jaap"]
// Using a half-open range
let range2: Range = 0..<names.count
print(names[range2]) // ["Antoine", "Maaike", "Jaap"]

Converting to NSRange

Sometimes you may need to convert a Swift Range to an NSRange, especially when working with older APIs or frameworks like `NSAttributedString`. You can do this using the following code:

let title = "A Swift Blog"
let range = title.range(of: "Swift")!
// Convert Swift Range to NSRange
let convertedRange = NSRange(range, in: title)
// Now you can use convertedRange with NSAttributedString
let attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: title)
attributedString.setAttributes([NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: UIColor.orange], range: convertedRange)

Working with String Indexes

When working with Strings, it’s essential to use `String.Index` for accurate slicing. Characters in a Swift String may have varying lengths, such as emojis.

let emojiText = "🚀launcher"
// Use String.Index to create a valid range
let endIndex = emojiText.index(emojiText.startIndex, offsetBy: 7)
let range: Range<String.Index> = emojiText.startIndex..<endIndex
print(emojiText[range]) // 🚀launch


Swift ranges are versatile tools that simplify working with subsets of data, whether numeric values, collections, or Strings. By understanding the different range operators and their applications, you can write more concise and efficient Swift code. Be mindful of the types of ranges you choose, especially when working with collections and Strings, and use the appropriate range conversion techniques when interfacing with older APIs. With Swift ranges in your toolkit, you have a powerful means of managing and manipulating data in your applications.



KD Knowledge Diet

Software Engineer, Mobile Developer living in Seoul. I hate people using difficult words. Why not using simple words? Keep It Simple Stupid!