Swift’s Evolution: From Swift 1 to Today

KD Knowledge Diet
3 min readJan 9, 2024


When Apple first introduced Swift at the WWDC conference in 2014, it was met with a mixture of surprise and excitement. Swift promised to be a language that was both powerful and easy to learn, designed to work with Apple’s Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks and the large body of existing Objective-C code written for Apple products. Let’s take a stroll down memory lane and see how Swift has evolved from its first iteration to the robust language it is today.

Swift 1.0 — The Birth of a New Language (2014)

Swift’s debut was nothing short of a spectacle. It aimed to eliminate the notorious complexity of Objective-C with a syntax that was expressive yet concise. Swift 1.0 promised safety with features like optionals and forced unwrapping, making nil values in code much more manageable. This first version laid the foundation, focusing on clean syntax and letting developers say goodbye to the semicolons and brackets that peppered Objective-C.

Swift 2.0 — Embracing Open Source (2015)

The release of Swift 2 introduced error handling with try, catch, and throw keywords, enhancing the language’s robustness in managing runtime errors. But perhaps the most significant shift came with Apple’s announcement that Swift would become open source. This move broadened Swift’s horizons, allowing a community of developers to contribute to its evolution.

Swift 3.0 — A Unified Language (2016)

Swift 3.0 was the first major update after Swift went open source, and it was all about refinement and unification. The Great Renaming, as it was known, brought significant changes to the language’s APIs and naming conventions, aiming for consistency and clarity. This version also saw Swift Package Manager’s introduction, facilitating the management of dependencies.

Swift 4.0 — Performance and Ease (2017)

With Swift 4 came improvements that made the language faster and more user-friendly. The introduction of Codable made data serialization and deserialization straightforward, reducing the boilerplate code significantly. Moreover, Swift 4 improved string handling, making strings a collection again and thus easier to navigate and manipulate.

Swift 5.x — Maturity and Stability (2019 — Today)

Swift 5 and its point releases have focused on maturity and stability, with ABI (Application Binary Interface) stability being a game-changer. This meant that Swift libraries could now be included in future versions of macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS, reducing the app sizes and ensuring binary compatibility with future Swift versions. Swift 5 also enhanced the language’s capabilities with new features like dynamic callable, raw strings, and more functional APIs.

Swift Today — Looking Ahead

Today, Swift continues to evolve, with the community eagerly anticipating each new release. The language has grown significantly in performance, safety, and expressiveness. Swift’s concurrency model is set to revolutionize the way asynchronous code is written, and constant language improvements keep pushing the boundaries of what can be done.

In Conclusion

The journey from Swift 1 to the Swift of today is a testament to Apple’s commitment to creating a language that balances performance with developer happiness. Swift has not only replaced Objective-C for Apple development but has also stepped into the realms of server-side programming and even scripting. The language has matured into a versatile tool that developers enjoy using for its simplicity and power. As Swift continues to evolve, we can only anticipate more innovative features that maintain its spot at the forefront of modern programming languages.



KD Knowledge Diet

Software Engineer, Mobile Developer living in Seoul. I hate people using difficult words. Why not using simple words? Keep It Simple Stupid!