Swift’s MainActor: Streamlining UI Updates in a Concurrent World

KD Knowledge Diet
2 min readJul 5, 2024


Swift’s introduction of the `MainActor` attribute in version 5.5 significantly streamlines the development of UI-based applications, especially when dealing with concurrency. This attribute plays a vital role in ensuring that UI updates are always dispatched on the main thread, thus preventing common issues like UI glitches or crashes due to background thread updates. Let’s delve deeper into how `MainActor` enhances Swift’s concurrency model and simplifies the development process.

Understanding the Challenge of Concurrency in UI Updates

Traditionally, updating the UI from a background thread has been a common source of bugs in app development. Typically, developers would wrap UI updates within asynchronous calls to `DispatchQueue.main`, ensuring they run on the main thread. While effective, this approach required meticulous attention to avoid accidentally updating the UI on a background thread.

The MainActor Attribute: Simplifying UI Thread Management

Swift 5.5 introduces the `MainActor` attribute, which automatically ensures that all properties and methods of a class are accessed on the main thread. This attribute can be applied to UIKit classes (like `UILabel` and `UIViewController`) and custom classes. Here’s how it works:

1. Automatic Main Thread Dispatching:
With `@MainActor`, any method or property access on the annotated class is automatically dispatched on the main queue. This eliminates the need for manual `DispatchQueue.main` calls for UI updates.

2. Usage in Custom Classes:
`MainActor` can also be applied to custom classes, such as `ObservableObject` in SwiftUI, to ensure their properties are only modified on the main thread.

Integrating MainActor with Async/Await

The real power of `MainActor` is unleashed when combined with Swift’s async/await concurrency model. Here’s an example of a `UIViewController` that loads user data asynchronously:

class ProfileViewController: UIViewController {
private let loader: UserLoader
private func loadUser() {
Task {
do {
let user = try await loader.loadUser()
// Directly update the UI without DispatchQueue.main
updateUI(with: user)
} catch {
// Handle errors

private func updateUI(with user: User) {
// Update UI components

In this example, `@MainActor` ensures that `updateUI` is executed on the main thread, despite being called in an asynchronous context.

Points to Remember

1. Backward Compatibility:
The `MainActor` attribute is effective only when used with Swift’s new concurrency system. Traditional completion handlers or other concurrency mechanisms still require manual thread management.

2. Complementing Existing Concurrency Patterns:
While `MainActor` greatly simplifies UI thread management, developers still need to be mindful of threading when designing APIs and system architecture.


The introduction of `MainActor` in Swift 5.5 represents a significant advancement in handling UI updates in a concurrent environment. By automatically dispatching UI updates on the main thread and seamlessly integrating with Swift’s async/await model, `MainActor` simplifies code and reduces the likelihood of common concurrency-related bugs. As Swift’s concurrency system continues to evolve, tools like `MainActor` will become increasingly crucial in building robust, efficient applications.



KD Knowledge Diet

Software Engineer, Mobile Developer living in Seoul. I hate people using difficult words. Why not using simple words? Keep It Simple Stupid!